budget n. 1.预算,预算案。 2.经营费;生活费;(有限制的)供应,来源。 3.〔古语〕〔方言〕小皮包;小皮包中的东西。 4.〔比喻〕(书信等的)一束,一捆;(要闻)汇编〔作报名用〕。 the Literary B- 文艺汇编。 a budget committee 预算委员会。 the monthly budget for a family of four 一家四口的每月生活费。 His budget of good will was running out. 他的好心肠已经快没有了。 budget estimate 概算。 budget statement 预算书。 budget making 编预算。 open [introduce] the budget 向议会提出预算案。 vt. 1.把…编入预算;按预算来安排(生活、工程等)。 2.安排,预定。 budget a new hospital 把建立一座新医院列入预算。 budget manpower in a tight labor market 在劳动力短缺的情况下安排人力。 budget one's time 安排自己的时间。 vi. 1.编预算。 2.作好安排。 budget for a vacation 安排好时间去度假。 budget for the project 为工程编制预算。 adj. -ary 预算上的。 -eer, -er n. 1.预算编制人。 2.受预算限制的人。
Assessment that rising personnel costs strain budget allocations , especially since the divestiture of a number of pla enterprises have reduced that funding source 日益高涨的人员费用增大了预算分配的难度,一部份军方企业的出售使可用于人员费用的资金来源减少。
As called by unifam , we should recognize the rights and interests of women , make sure that these rights and interests are reflected in policies , plans , legislation and presentations in budget allocations 联合国妇女发展基金呼吁我们要认识到妇女的权益,妇女的权益要体现在政策,规划,立法,决策和演讲中,要体现在资源分配上。
A funding formula which differentiates unit costs and assign weights to different fields of study and levels of education ( undergraduate versus postgraduate etc . ) is used to determine the budget allocation 拨付预算将依照拨款公式进行,制订拨款预算时考虑不同的单位成本,各学科、各学习阶段(如本科与研究生)的资助比重。
The water - funds allocating methods include the way of near - budget allocation , the way of linear programming , the way of the proportion of margin cost and benefit , the way of comprehensive assessment for multi - factors 一般说来,水利资金配置的方法有概预算配置法、线性规划法、增量费用效益比法和多因素综合评价分析法等。不同的方法其配置的背景不同
By 2003 , integrate hiv / aids prevention , care , treatment and support and impact mitigating priorities into the mainstream of development planning , including in poverty eradication strategies , national budget allocations and sectoral development plans 到2003年,把对艾滋病病毒/艾滋病实施的预防、护理、治疗、支持和减少影响等诸项计划纳入发展计划的主流中去,包括扶贫战略、国家预算拨款以及部门发展计划。